Don't Atrophy Movement - Political Parties Page

The Libertarian Party

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The Libertarian Party is a United States political party founded on December 11, 1971. It is currently the largest third party in the United States, claiming more than 200,000 registered voters and more than 600 people in public office, including mayors, county executives, county-council members, school-board members and other local officials. It has more people in office than all other third parties combined.

Libertarians state that their platform follows from the consistent application of their guiding principle: "mutual respect for rights." They are therefore deeply supportive of the concept of individual liberty as a precondition for moral and stable societies. In their "Statement of Principles," they declare: "We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose." To this end, Libertarians want to reduce the size of government (eliminating many of its current functions entirely).

Libertarians reject the view of politics as a one-dimensional spectrum, divided between Democrats representing the Left or Center-left and Republicans representing the Right or Center-right.

Key Views

  • Adoption of laissez-faire principles which would reduce the state's role in the economy. This would include, among other things, markedly reduced taxation, privatization of Social Security and welfare (for individuals, as well as elimination of "corporate welfare"), markedly reduced regulation of business, rollbacks of labor regulations, and reduction of government interference in foreign trade.
  • Protection of property rights.
  • Minimal government bureaucracy. The Libertarian Party states that the government's responsibilities should be limited to the protection of individual rights from the initiation of force and fraud.
  • Strong civil liberties positions, including privacy protection, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and sexual freedom.
  • Opposition to civil rights laws that regulate the private sector, such as affirmative action.
  • No government interference in reproductive rights, including access to abortion. (Right-libertarians and Libertarians for Life usually do not support abortion, but they believe that the federal government has no say in regulating the procedure).
    Support for the unrestricted right to the means of self-defense (such as gun rights, the right to carry mace or pepper spray, etc).
    Abolition of laws against "victimless crimes" (such as prostitution, driving without a seatbelt, use of controlled substances, fraternization, etc.).
  • Opposition to regulations on how businesses should run themselves (e.g., smoking)
  • A foreign policy of free trade and non-interventionism.
  • Support for a fiscally responsible government including a hard currency (commodity-based money supply as opposed to fiat currency).
  • Abolition of all forms of taxpayer-funded assistance (welfare, food stamps, public housing, etc.)

*all information from Wikipedia